LEADERSHIP | Nonprofits: Good News! The Wait Is Over

publication date: Feb 15, 2023
author/source: Sheree Allison

There's a phrase I heard once that I've never forgotten...

You're it. No one else is coming."

I gulped. I knew exactly what it meant.

I can still remember what I said to myself back when I heard it.

"Well...someone else might be coming."

No. They aren't.

That disruptive Board member who you're hoping will be removed without your involvement... or perhaps magically disappear?

You're it. No one else is coming.

That Staff member who fiddles around at her desk most days and rarely keeps her promises... the one you're hoping will eventually find a job elsewhere and quit?

You're it. No one else is coming.

That committee you joined that gathers regularly for an important purpose - but never stays on task in meetings and sinks into gossip... the one you're hoping will eventually be intentional like it was in the beginning?

You're it. No one else is coming.

Look, I know you've been waiting.

I'll bet you've waited a long while.

I know you're waiting for someone to fly in with a superhero cape and confront it, do it, solve it, start it, put a stop to it, or remove it.

I have bad news: No one else is coming

And I have good news: YOU'RE IT!


Sheree Allison merges the worlds of fundraising, marketing, and leadership combined with an entrepreneurial spirit to train and develop nonprofit leaders who are committed to building a world class organization. Check out her book “The NonProfit Book of Wisdom - One Executive Director Who Couldn’t Be Swayed” and her weekly column at www.shereeallison.com. 

Photo by Yulia Matvienko on Unsplash.

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